Rhino 8.12 (SR12)
Rhino 8.12 (SR12) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 请浏览这里
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- BlockManager: Fail to insert file with a dot in the name (RH-83562)
- BooleanDifference: Boolean* commands unable to select blocks by layer (RH-83420)
- BoxEdit: Remains disabled after command completion (RH-83359)
- CPlane: AutoAlign: CPlane does not align to planar face a seam (RH-83499)
- ClippingPlane: Custom depth doesn’t work on dots & points (RH-83165)
- Copy: Needs to Keep Detail Layer Visibility Settings (RH-83701)
- CopyLayout: Need to Keep Original Layer Visibility Settings (RH-83485)
- CrvDeviation: Different results on CrvDeviation (RH-81220)
- Detail:
- Display:
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Panel at startup is missing a doc (RH-83407)
- Eto: Search Tree still steals focus when tree is reloaded (RH-82513)
- Export: Scripting export of SVG changes view size (RH-79117)
- ExtendSrf: Locks up Rhino on user geometry (RH-83139)
- File IO:
- Missing Objects from STEP (RH-83827)
- Error Importing GLB file (RH-83710)
- glTF import creates bad meshes (RH-83386)
- Section Curve is Highlighted in PDF (RH-83628)
- No Text on DXF Import (RH-83577)
- SaveSmall missing textures (RH-83209)
- Exporting polysurfaces (not extrusions) results in separate meshes in V8 (RH-83395)
- PDF doesn’t print mesh as seen in the viewport (RH-69647)
- FilletEdge:
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Bake: Grasshopper: Long processing times on change of Model Block Visibility > Content Cache (RH-83545)
- Grasshopper: Components: Mesh conversion from SubD has changed (RH-83829)
- Groundplane: Doesn’t clip edges and isocurves in Raytraced/Render mode (RH-83320)
- Gumball: AutoReset doesn’t work with the click transform (RH-83500)
- Help: Rhino 5 links found on google need an index (RH-83135)
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Layer: Cut and paste for layer names don’t work (RH-83412)
- Licensing: UI: Incorrect message when running .NET Core (RH-83370)
- NamedView: Overwriting a named view does not remove “*” from viewport title (RH-83205)
- Options: Changes to Display Modes Do Not Stick (RH-83868)
- Panels: Right Click Menu On Tab No Longer Working (RH-83349)
- Print:
- Locked objects don’t print in raster to pdf (RH-83653)
- Vector: Section Hatches not Clipped (RH-82141)
- Vector: Occlude PointClouds (RH-83567)
- Rhino PDF fails to print (RH-81691)
- No vector output in Pen (or other tech) mode (RH-83694)
- Don’t make “Only Selected Objects” hide multiple layout controls (RH-83536)
- Line widths don’t work correctly for dimension lines (RH-83328)
- Vector output missing some textures (RH-66545)
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Rendering: Cycles Viewport: Texture of planar mapping offset (RH-76904)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Post Effect: Render Window channel buttons don’t work unless RenderFeature.PostEffects = true (RH-83446)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- SVG Editor:
- ScriptEditor:
- Settings:
- StatusBar: Selected object layer shows “Varies” incorrectly in Info pane (RH-83430)
- Sun: Rhino 8 Solar System Location Error (RH-83413)
- SynchronizeViews: Does not work in a new layout in some files (RH-83639)
- Toolbar:
- UI Appearance: OBJ import dialog is not dark (RH-83908)
- WireCut: Does not Use Groups (RH-83465)
- Display: Arraying a block crashes Rhino (RH-84055)
- Grasshopper: Grasshopper.GUI.MRU.GH_FileEntry.ResolveFileState_Threaded () (RH-83415)
- Offset: Crash with no reporter (RH-83606)
- Properties: Crash When Changing Arrow Style (RH-83599)
- SVG Editor: Crash when selecting (RH-83939)
- Detail: Added display mode setting to detail view properties (RH-81788)
- File IO: Scripted export to SVG no longer displays a dialog box (RH-62643)
- Grasshopper: Components: Model Object Point not casting to point in the Average (arithmetic mean) Component (RH-83309)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Allows sorting shortcut list (RH-83740)
- Layer: Added Expand and Collapse options to -Layer command (RH-83351)
- LayerStateManager: Added “Expanded” checkbox (RH-83352)
- Print: Added commonly used 1-1/2" = 1’-0" to built-in print scale list (RH-69140)
- Properties: Display color now applies to whole mesh when mesh subobjects are in selection (RH-83409)
- Rendering: Improved default date and time in Sun settings (RH-80940)
- SVG Editor: Allow for Pasting a bitmap (RH-83490)
- UserText: Paste key and value to all → Make context aware (RH-62668)
- WindowLayout: Added “Import” option to scriptable command (RH-83468)
- Worksession: Keeps conflict materials from attached files (RH-66666)
- Grasshopper: One of the most common problems with GH that I see when I teach it… (RH-37737)
- SVG Editor: End Caps / Stroke / Colors cannot be edited during / before object is created (RH-82217)
- ScriptEditor: Support other filetypes (RH-81609)
- SDK:
- Added JoinCurves parameter to RhinoIntersectBreps (RH-83920)
- RhinoCommon: Exposed ON_JoinCurves (RH-83945)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Grasshopper: Components: Content Cache iterated through all blocks while in the Edit Block Command (RH-83871)
- ExtendSrf: Incorrectly removes trims (RH-83317)
- FilletEdge: Deletes a surface (RH-83934)
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Components: Query Model Objects behavior changed (RH-84168)
- MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Brep.MergeCoplanarFaces returns invalid Breps (RH-83332)
- ScriptEditor: New IronPython is much slower than legacy GHPython (RH-82474)
- Tab Constraint: Lock is Broken (RH-83670)
- Grasshopper: Components: Misspelling of Deconstruct in Component (RH-83484)
- SVG Editor: Discard Unsaved changes message shows unnecessarily (RH-83358)
- Containers: Allows right-clicking on a tab to show/hide panels or toolbars (RH-74338)
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Suspend display while waiting for user input (RH-63112)
- Print: Notify the User of “Printing Only Selected Objects” in print preview area (RH-82953)
- ScriptEditor:
Mac 相关内容
- Commands: Option field font size jumps (RH-83493)
- Display:
- Display Metal: Pointcloud display style on Mac doesn’t work. (RH-83416)
- Gumball: Extrude ball size setting is missing on Mac (RH-83388)
- Options:
- Properties: Resizing Properties panel to a small size causes a crash (RH-83553)
- Rendering: Hang when Rendering in progress during Quit (RH-83440)
- Display Metal: Pointclouds don’t display (RH-84131)
❖ Windows 相关内容
- CommandHistory: Uses incorrect font (RH-66640)
- Display: Some objects loose their surface shading when added to a block (RH-81019)
- Layout: Slower performance in a layout detail in Rhino 8 (RH-79768)
- Options: Advanced settings page synchronization issues (RH-83548)
- Print: Text scaled different between vector and raster outputs (RH-52821)
- Undo: Array creation is slow after undo (RH-83191)
- Print: Sorting the printer list (RH-66748)
- Layout: Renamed “Before” to “New location” in “Move or Copy” layout dialog (RH-83634)
- ScriptEditor: Script editor search prompt is constantly resizing (RH-83470)
- DotNET: Support running on later versions of .NET (RH-81818)
- Block: Wrong shading in block instances (RH-79981)