Rhino 8.13 (SR13)
Rhino 8.13 (SR13) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- Duplicated material does not show up in Enscape material editor (RH-82603)
- Annotation: DimAngular:
- Annotation: Linetype:
- BlockManager: Does not report selection count in command window (RH-80103)
- CPlane: AutoAlign: Makes strange view jumps with plan view (RH-79641)
- ClippingPlane: Clipping section obscures polyline (RH-83783)
- Dark Mode: Style Tree/GridView background color using WPF theme only (RH-81642)
- Display:
- Technical mode performance has gotten a lot worse since 8.9 (RH-84439)
- Bad shading when arraying a block (RH-84095)
- Pointcloud display styles don’t work on Windows… (RH-84138)
- OpenGL preview mapping wrong (in material editor thumbnails) (RH-73993)
- Locked Blocks Occlude When Set to be Transparent (RH-83645)
- SendToBack Sends to Front (RH-83841)
- EdgeSoftening:
- ExportLinkedBlocks: Command not scriptable (RH-83699)
- ExtendSrf:
- File IO:
- Grasshopper:
- Trigger component runs code while Rhino is closing (RH-83507)
- Size of a .gh file changes depending on how the file is opened and saved (RH-82278)
- GH_Surface::CastTo returns a plane surface instead of a trimmed Brep (RH-77173)
- Rendered mode loses preview meshes on quality change (RH-84151)
- Import 3D changes active view (RH-81053)
- Removed default overrides in text entity (RH-83753)
- Groundplane: Jumps to larger on tumble (RH-84093)
- Gumball:
- History: Prefixes (# and %) for one-shot history recording don’t work with Aliases (RH-83798)
- Inset: Creates Bad Object (RH-84038)
- LayerStateManager: Continuous linetype not being restored (RH-83730)
- Layout: Rhino Grid Settings Are Not Used (RH-83916)
- Make2D: Unaware of English command-line option names in localized Rhino (RH-84391)
- MergeAllFaces: Explodes a block instance (RH-59651)
- Print:
- Properties: Select Clipped Layers (RH-83711)
- QuadRemesh:
- RDK:
- RailRevolve: Fixed history update problem when all input curves moved together (RH-81993)
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Gamma is wrong in Raytraced mode (RH-84436)
- Does not support “Parallel reflected” in Rhino 8 (RH-68891)
- Reflection instead of shadow on shadows-only groundplane (RH-83327)
- Bump map on ground plane imperceptible (RH-79944)
- Show Distance Channel broken (RH-83223)
- Issues about custom materials (RH-81725)
- Bump texture broken for custom materials (RH-81890)
- Raytraced stays paused after _Render (RH-82060)
- Rendering: Cycles Viewport:
- Rendering: Materials: Object with edge softening not updated when changing material color via Layers panel (RH-82007)
- Revolve: History update bug (RH-72141)
- SVG Editor:
- ScriptEditor:
- Ensure GH docs are disposed (RH-84531)
- Script input param tooltip shows mangled data when input is path to gh file (RH-84532)
- -Run shows load progress but not language status (RH-84390)
- CPython marshalling error (RH-84379)
- GH1 editor should use last window size when opening new windows (RH-84060)
- Rhino loses focus when closing C# editor in GH (RH-84058)
- New file should not show GH template files (RH-84111)
- Allow Escaping from Install Package dialog (RH-84165)
- Updating explorer brings window to front (RH-84082)
- List of Points shows cast error on publish component (RH-84136)
- .md file does not update in ScriptEditor if edited externally (RH-84119)
- Explorer flickering (RH-84081)
- Extracted input of type Geometry Base creates floating Brep parameter (RH-84020)
- Hangs under grasshopper (RH-83865)
- Hitting Ctrl+W while help preview is open should close preview (RH-83891)
- Rhino pip listens to PIP_USER global env var (RH-83985)
- Update help preview to use new url format (RH-83551)
- C# debugger applies switch-case local variables to all cases (RH-83950)
- Run should only init script language (RH-83861)
- Allow terminal to capture stdout during exec (RH-83809)
- Published scripts do not show language loading progress bar (RH-83810)
- Delete button does not remove missing libraries (RH-83762)
- C# debugger throws error on if stmnt with is pattern (RH-83794)
- Implementd rhinocode.get_python_executable() (RH-83790)
- Section:
- SelName: incorrectly selects objects across model and layout spaces (RH-77632)
- Shrinkwrap: Unaware of English command-line option names in localized Rhino (RH-84347)
- SoftEditSrf: Direction constraint ignored (RH-57093)
- Sphere: 2Point failure (RH-83895)
- StatusBar: OrthoSnapToCPlaneZ Coammand-line Status is Wrong (RH-83773)
- Subobject Selection: Selecting subobjects hard when isocurves and edges show (RH-83946)
- Sweep1: Fails silently (RH-65798)
- Toolbar:
- TweenCurves:
- UVEditor:
- UnTrim: Untrim: ReplaceEdge creates messy edges (RH-78279)
- File IO:
- Annotation: Frame around text uses print width and linetype width (RH-71233)
- Annotation: Hatch: Added SolidHatchMeshingTolerance advanced setting for controlling solid hatch mesh density (RH-83669)
- ExtendSrf: Works with Near object snap (RH-82683)
- Grasshopper: Added font orientation setting to AS-Text component (RH-83668)
- Gumball: Added MergeFacesAfterExtrude option to GumballSettings command (RH-83867)
- Layer: Changed Filter menu so right-click can enable an option and disable all others (RH-77216)
- RDK: Select Color dialog opened from Emission material shows a list of Kelvin colors (RH-64646)
- ScriptEditor:
- SplitFace: Accepts typing U, V or B (Both) to set direction at selecting isocurve prompt (RH-73579)
- StatusBar: Added tooltips to Auto CPlane pane (RH-79535)
- ToNURBS: Added options to preview and update face packs in SubDs (RH-83893)
- UVEditor: Allows flipping UV islands by scaling of -1 (RH-83977)
- ScriptEditor: Allow script to add menu items in GH1 (RH-84115)
- UI Appearance: Hide grippers on locked docked containers (RH-80525)
- Annotation: Hatch: Cannot not control pattern width (RH-75741)
- Display: Material preview texture missing (RH-84057)
- ExtendSrf: Failure cases (RH-83755)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Does not follow moved object with CRM in Rendered view (RH-80235)
- ScriptEditor: Incorrect rhino command and doc params in GH code (RH-84373)
- UVEditor: Vertex constraints broken (RH-83242)
SDK 增强
- OpenNURBS: Added functions for finding spans and subdomains where a control point is active (RH-83969)
- SDK:
- File IO: Tuned up glTF export dialog (RH-81657)
- Toolbar:
- Grasshopper: Drawing full names causes errors (RH-35790)
- Grasshopper: Components: “Mesh From SubD” now returns control polygon for D=0 (RH-65870)
- ScriptEditor:
Mac 版相关错误
- File IO:
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Layout: Mac crash on creating layout with particular Advanced setting unchecked (RH-83947)
- Print:
- PrintPreview: TextDot shows larger in Vector preview and inverted (RH-78145)
- ScriptEditor: Fixed missing SSL certs on macOS (RH-83793)
- Grasshopper: Parameter input keyboard shortcuts required enter or space to complete (RH-57216)
❖ Windows 版相关内容
- Crash: Wireframe geometry crashes ARM Windows Computers (RH-83663)
- Eto: Setting TextBox.Text can sometimes throw exceptions (RH-83744)
- Grasshopper: Poor SubD display in V8 (RH-84066)
- Panels: Importing Linetypes Crashes Rhino (RH-84427)
- Properties: Panel icon change in size when selected (RH-83915)
- SVG Editor: Imported SVG gets cropped (RH-83957)
- ScriptEditor:
- WindowLayout:
- Display: Crash drawing large point cloud (RH-83818)
- DotNET: Failover to use .NET 8 automatically when v7 is not installed (RH-84023)
- SystemInfo: Added GPU Tessellation State (RH-84033)
- SDK: C++ code sample: history and edit (RH-75629)