Rhino 8.14 (SR14)
Rhino 8.14 (SR14) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- DocumentProperties RenderSettings edit dialog for contents are not the topmost window. (RH-84585)
- Annotation: Linetype: Pattern segments fail localization (RH-84828)
- Autocomplete: Suggests Unused Commands First (RH-84565)
- ChangeLayer: Key navigation not working properly (RH-77139)
- ClippingPlane:
- CommandHelp: Pressing F1 does not open topic for BlendCrv command (RH-84150)
- Contour: History replay changes locked state (RH-84340)
- CopyLayout: Does not update object ID in text fields (RH-84691)
- Displacement: RhinoRender fails to render displaced mesh if the async is not finished (RH-84370)
- Display:
- Curve drawing preview invisible when GPU Tessellation is Off (RH-84709)
- Disabled Alpha is not used correctly in Rendered mode or Raytraced (RH-84450)
- Custom lighting not exported (RH-84416)
- Ground plane appears in technical modes when Shadows-Only is ON (RH-84533)
- Shade-highlight selected doesn’t work with Raytraced (RH-84425)
- Scriptable version of ViewportProperties command missing “Parallel Reflected” option (RH-83640)
- Custom Preview and Create Material cause display issues (RH-82108)
- Blocks on locked layer show locked color (RH-84365)
- Grasshopper Text Tag Issue (RH-84255)
- Curve invisible while drawing in clipped scene (RH-80197)
- Display mode does not load correctly (RH-84129)
- Docking: Re-parented Rhino cannot resize docked containers (RH-84819)
- DocumentProperties: In Render settings, creating a new ground plane material is not directly assigned (RH-84586)
- Explode: Text exploded with “model space scaling” when it is disabled (RH-84650)
- File IO:
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Components:
- GrasshopperPlayer:
- Gumball: Resets after running GumballRelocate in Subobject selection mode (RH-84593)
- Help:
- Intersect: Brep x Brep Intersection flips direction at seam (RH-83968)
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Layer:
- Layout: Incorrect page size for “ARCH E” (RH-84550)
- Lights: Changing light intensity deselects light (RH-84673)
- LineTypeDisplay: Round caps might show flat (RH-78420)
- MergeFace: Fails when seams of 2 adjacent faces aligned (RH-58849)
- Mesh:
- MeshPatch: Create Concave Mesh (RH-84670)
- OSnap:
- Paste: Copied textfield does not update to reference copied object (RH-84692)
- Print:
- Properties:
- QuadRemesh:
- RecordAnimation: invalid JS for animations with dates (RH-84295)
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Rendering: Cycles Viewport:
- Rendering: Materials: “Select All” incorrectly selects materials hidden by filters (RH-84458)
- Rendering: Post Effect:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping:
- SDK: Python: rs.AddPictureFrame raises exception (RH-84502)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Memory leak in DrawSprite (RH-74126)
- SVG Editor:
- ScriptEditor:
- C# library language does not update (RH-84689)
- Disable gh document after script is executed in Grasshopper1Code (RH-84530)
- Published component should not draw previews on itself (RH-84528)
- C# library is not compiled and added to python commands in project (RH-84426)
- Project remove library does not work (RH-84492)
- Does not pay attention to PreRelease check (RH-84604)
- Project library is not added to codes that are already open (RH-84429)
- Hidden published commands shown in toolbar (RH-84578)
- Node in code result can not be expanded like IronPython (RH-84572)
- C# not completing items after ‘.’ in some contexts (RH-84410)
- Python not completing items after ‘.’ in some contexts (RH-84233)
- Expire cached GH_Document when Rhino active doc changes (RH-84632)
- CPython language server fails reading large data (RH-84618)
- Roslyn should use netfw ref assemblies to compile on netfw Rhino (RH-84389)
- Adding multiple scripts of same name can cause conflicts (RH-83900)
- SelName: Reports deleted items (RH-84298)
- Snapshot: Scriptable command does not generate last thumbnail (RH-84184)
- Sweep2: Scriptable command does not handle “maintain height” correctly (RH-84480)
- Toolbar:
- UVEditor:
- Undo: Changes Layer Visibility in Details (RH-83914)
- ViewCaptureToClipboard: View capture color does not work correctly with scaling (RH-83315)
- Viewports: Viewport: Two point perspective not working (RH-83697)
- Annotation: Improved alignment for stacked fractions (RH-56856)
- Icons: White curves in icons are almost invisible to the eye (RH-50625)
- Gumball: Hide RelativeHandlePositionMultiplier for absolute scale handles (RH-84161)
- Properties: Hide transparency setting for per-face colors (RH-84784)
- Annotation: Hatch: Deleting hatch grip crash (RH-85086)
- BlockManager: Crash When Docked (RH-84249)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Crash when messing with Keyboard shortcuts (RH-84272)
- Layer: Layer table window not updating and crashing (RH-84451)
- Animation: RecordAnimation command remembers target folder in current session (RH-76601)
- DupLayer: Update object ID when a text field is copied with its referenced object (RH-84573)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Improved feedback messages (RH-84676)
- LoadPlugin: Support multi-targeting with GH plugins in libraries folder (RH-84510)
- Mesh: Added system units to physical distance meshing parameters (RH-46808)
- PluginManager: Allows clicking on a checkbox to enable/disable selected plug-ins at once (RH-84466)
- PointsOn: Allows showing more than one million control points (RH-84462)
- RecordAnimation: Allows setting default target folder in Advanced settings (RH-79386)
- RelocateGumball: “Align to View” remembers Gumball position for object in current app session (RH-84453)
- ScriptEditor:
- Shrinkwrap: Added SaveSettings command-line option to scriptable command (RH-84236)
- TextField: Update object ID when a text field is copied with its referenced object (RH-84489)
- Grasshopper: Allows baking a view to a Rhino Named View (RH-81517)
- Print: Added scale setting for text dots to Print dialog (RH-47981)
- Arctic display: Incorrectly shows colors (RH-84211)
- Block: Locking Mirrored Copy Locks All (RH-84602)
- Copy: UseLastDirection cannot be turned off (RH-84287)
- RDK: Rhino.DocObjects.Texture.UvwTransform is not working (RH-80966)
- Rendering: Materials: Layer Texture Edits Incorrectly Saved (RH-84024)
SDK 增强
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- ScriptEditor:
- Mesh: Selecting Jagged and Faster / Smooth and Slower now switches to Simple Controls (RH-84108)
- ScriptEditor:
Mac 版相关错误
- AutoSave: Disabled → Warns About Saving Too Frequently (RH-84513)
- CopyToClipboard: Copy and paste are slow on Mac (RH-84516)
- Display:
- Display Metal: Solid clipping plane cap has transparency (RH-79419)
- Grasshopper: Cmd+0 doc switching doesn’t work (RH-80223)
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Print: Underlined Text Is Not Underlined In Print Preview (RH-84276)
- UI Cleanup: Settings panel size keeps changing (RH-73702)
- File IO: DWG/DXF Export Support AutoCAD 2010, 2013, & 2018 on Mac (RH-77489)
- Settings: Document settings dialog is made resizable (RH-62735)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Home / End keys not working (RH-84809)
- Options: Settings on Mac needs a tune up (RH-67860)
- UI Appearance: File > Settings on Mac should do a better job of showing all sections (RH-65796)
❖ Windows 版相关内容
- Core bugs: Semi model dialog issue when Rhino is re-parented (RH-84865)
- Dark Mode: Dock Bars Panel is Not in Dark Mode (RH-84395)
- Display: Surface Edge Settings not updating (RH-84515)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Alt+(*) should be always invalid (RH-84474)
- Layout:
- LoadPlugin: .NET 4.8 plugin fails to load (RH-84187)
- Options: Surface Edge Settings not marked as changed (RH-84369)
- ReduceMesh: Mesh won’t reduce without preview (RH-84405)
- Rendering: Content Panels: Video Texture’s section goes over the Material area (RH-84341)
- SVG Editor:
- ScriptEditor: .md file open blank if edited externally (RH-84159)
- Notes: Remembers text cursor location when Notes panel regain focus (RH-23213)
- RhinoOffsetCurve() causes a Rhino 8 hang in some situations (RH-84100)