Rhino 8.16 (SR16)
Rhino 8.16 (SR16) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- Material duplicate and undo breaks the material. (RH-85860)
- Analysis: EdgeContinuity: Distance-only labels show angles (RH-85117)
- Annotation: Section curves in Details are not pickable (RH-85219)
- BlendSrf: History: Replay issue with closed edges (RH-66364)
- Block: Inserting block through scripting changes ID order in the model (RH-85134)
- BooleanUnion:
- ClippingPlane:
- Code Editor Control: Don’t show single spaces between words when showing whitespace (RH-85303)
- CommandHelp: Help: Remove header from help panel (RH-85598)
- Connect: Incorrectly converts NURBS curve to Arc (RH-85447)
- Developer Tools: New Rhino Command in Visual Studio Code defaults to CPP (RH-84112)
- Displacement: ExtractRenderMesh intermittently not working for Displacements (RH-85220)
- Display:
- Control polygon of SubD and NURBS objects displays with different thicknesses (RH-85373)
- Clipping plane section is not drawn after pressing Esc key (RH-77090)
- Selected edges are not displayed when not participating in clipping (RH-77222)
- PrintDisplay Does Not Show Edge Width (RH-84273)
- Feedback drawing is incorrect when holding Ctrl key before dragging object (RH-85298)
- Selected edges not visible when they point straight towards view (RH-85106)
- Explode Makes Object Invisible (RH-85131)
- ExtendSrf: Surface fails to extend with numeric distance input (RH-85135)
- File IO:
- FilletSrf: Need to remember the entered radius even if the command is canceled (RH-85383)
- Grasshopper: Components that don’t show location (RH-70738)
- Grasshopper: Components:
- Gumball: Strange cylinder created with Extrude dot (RH-85280)
- Help: RenderAddDecal command doesn’t exist (RH-85382)
- History:
- Intersect:
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Allows creating shortcuts with 4 and 5 key combinations (RH-79635)
- Offset: Preview color doesn’t update when current layer is changed in command (RH-85157)
- Print:
- RDK: Quickpreview does not use the cached texture produced by the render viewport (RH-85183)
- RelocateGumball: Failed with Text (RH-85082)
- Rendering: Loading textures from Google Drive takes longer to initialize (RH-85181)
- Rendering: Cycles: Tone mapping settings not updating in GUI and running Raytraced (RH-84848)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Realtime SDK: Realtime display modes looping with edge softening in blocks (RH-85152)
- ScriptEditor:
- rs.GetObectEx fails when objectlist is supplied (RH-85381)
- Async void RunScript fails to populate arguments (RH-85144)
- Variable sorting in debug does not match between py3 and 2 (RH-85275)
- LanguageSpec should ignore case but it does not (RH-85270)
- Project new command file won’t reference libraries until Rhino is restarted (RH-76623)
- Autocompletion does not work before GH script instance class (RH-85193)
- Comments after methods prevent compiling (RH-85148)
- Failing to write component.json file stops user from using script component (RH-85147)
- SDK: RhinoProjectToPlane not deforming curves (RH-85269)
- Subobject Selection: Doesn’t work properly for SubD faces (RH-85024)
- SVG Editor:
- Toolbar:
- Unwrap: Added hidden SubDLevel option to select mapping mesh density for SubD (RH-85014)
- UVEditor:
- UVEditor: Crash with AsRigidAsPossible unwrap method (RH-85073)
- Annotation: DimRadial: Allows dimensioning along clipping section edges (RH-84711)
- Display: Force Sweep1, Sweep2, Loft show isocurves in preview (RH-85132)
- Extrude: Typing Zero sets extrusion distance by snapping to current CPlane origin (RH-85232)
- File IO: Added the repeat value to OBJ MTL file (RH-61731)
- Grasshopper: Components:
- Layer: Improved scrolling smoothness for a large number of layers in Layers panel (RH-78609)
- ScriptEditor: Implement Assert component for GH2 (RH-85482)
- SDK: Allow RhinoApp().Print() to be routed to stdout (RH-85039)
- Split: Made scripts work regardless of what’s pre- or postpicked (RH-85367)
- Chat: New command (RH-85453)
- ScriptEditor: Implement script component for Grasshopper2 (RH-83510)
- SelectionFilterEnable: New command (RH-85209)
- Grasshopper 2: Migrate GH2 from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET Core 7.0 (RH-81669)
- ExtendSrf: A failure case (RH-85400)
- Grasshopper:
- Grid: Z axis stays visible when CPlane grid is turned off (RH-85495)
- Rendering: Zoom to cursor position does not work in Render window (RH-85165)
- SelectionFilter: Closing Selection Filters panel should disable all filters (RH-85198)
SDK 增强
- Analysis: EdgeContinuity: : Allow access to EdgeContinuity calculations in C++ (RH-85153)
- Rendering: Exposed new method for Deleting Channel (and Widget) from Object (RH-85002)
- SDK:
- Grasshopper 2: Created Nuget Package and Templates (RH-84521)
- Grasshopper: Created icons for Export/Import Hatch Patterns components (RH-85191)
- Stitch: Prevent selecting same edges twice (RH-62027)
仅 Mac 版相关问题
- Chat: Window disappears on 2nd monitor (RH-85643)
- Core Architecture: Unsaved changes inconsistency when Layouts present in file (RH-78629)
- Display Metal:
- Layout: New layout dialog does not read paper sizes from printer properties (RH-85227)
- Notes: Gets deleted when opening other file (RH-80829)
- Viewports: Viewport: New floating viewport UI glitch (RH-84324)
- Grasshopper: Slower performance in Rhino 6 than Rhino 5 with some components (RH-53015)
- Analytics: Running an analysis command cancels the other (RH-85154)
- ScriptEditor: Does not allow for running script with args (RH-85226)
❖ 仅 Windows 版相关内容
- Block: Adjusting width of block creation dialog doesn’t resize controls (RH-85391)
- Display: Hatch patterns get overdrawn by clipping fill (RH-77541)
- Grasshopper: Panels treat empty strings different between R5 and R6. (RH-45547)
- Layout: New layout dialog does not read paper sizes from printer properties (RH-73618)
- PackageManager: System.Runtime.Caching not found when running “yak.exe --source” on Windows (RH-85602)
- Rendering: Undo is delayed by 3 seconds (RH-85242)
- Rendering: Materials: TreeView in content editor jumps when adding a new material (RH-85163)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: .NET Semi Modal dialogs don’t work in re-parented Rhino (RH-85097)
- SelectFilter: SelectionFilter: The panel may flash slowly when selecting unselectable object types (RH-85491)
- SelectionFilter: Steals focus (RH-85366)
- SVG Editor: Shows File twice on menu bar (RH-83333)
- UI Appearance: Docked Selection Filters panel keeps showing the >> arrows (RH-71596)
- Rendering: Materials: Searching for materials crash in Tree view (RH-85595)