Rhino 8.4 (SR4)
Rhino 8.4 (SR4 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: zrc9
链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: ewym
- Print: PDF Paper Size is blank after switching printer (RH-80138)
- IRhinoUiHolder doesn’t work for VRay (RH-79667)
- Annotation: Dot: Dialog opens with squished text editing box (RH-79432)
- Annotation: Text: Double-click to edit not working properly (RH-79297)
- BlockManager:
- ChangeLayer: OK button is in focus instead of the layer name input box (RH-79359)
- Crease: Added Crease command back into SubD Tools toolbar (RH-79519)
- Display: Print width is not turned off (RH-79770 )
- DocumentProperties:
- Drag and Drop: Dropping a .png file causes Rhino to hang (RH-78280)
- DupEdge: On SubD, Output Layer is Inverse (RH-79317)
- Export: “Export with Origin” Not Using Origin (RH-79112)
- ExtendSrf:
- ExtractMeshFaces: Changes texture mapping on extracted mesh faces (RH-78887)
- File IO:
- Fill: Edge selection does not clear after fill command is run (RH-77554)
- FilletSrf: Scriptable command always fails (RH-79157)
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Components: Exploding text of single line font returns wrong geometry (RH-78936)
- Gumball:
- History: Deactivating detail makes dimensions jump (RH-78926)
- Import: Error importing SVG (that opens fine in Chrome and Illustrator) (RH-79299 )
- Layer:
- Layout: Object snapping fails in layout (RH-79912)
- Localization: Rotation has a comma instead of a point (RH-79276)
- OSnap: One shots disabled if persistent OSnaps are disabled (RH-79867)
- OpenNURBS: Remove deprecation tags from ON_Extrusion::SetMesh, etc. (RH-79060)
- Options: Options dialog glitch (RH-79684 )
- PointsOn: Curve control points stay on after an edit in v8 (RH-78393)
- Print:
- Displayed scale controls aren’t correct when printing to image file (RH-80036 )
- Technical view intersection lines do not honor layer print color (RH-28051)
- In Model scale and On Paper scale controls unresponsive (RH-80003)
- Scale / Extents combination is not working correctly (RH-79728)
- Print width of hairline does not print (RH-78455)
- Vector PDF output from Technical view draws geometry occluded by other objects (RH-79808)
- Missing single pixel hatch (RH-79860)
- Some objects in layouts are not printing in technical vector output (RH-79070)
- Vector PDF draws unexpected intersection (RH-79539)
- Fake2d Not Invoked When Printing Layouts (RH-79629 )
- Details in Technical draw heavier silhouettes (RH-79527)
- Vector print of extrusion objects shows artifacts (RH-79328)
- Vector PDF draws intersections on hidden layer (RH-79517)
- Vector PDF overrides black and white setting for curves (RH-79536)
- when printing raster it is not possible to set the correct size (RH-78765)
- Vector PDF draws hidden linetype curves as continuous (RH-79523)
- Technical mode with HLR does not clip curves (RH-79091)
- Vector output exports curves to PDF as polylines (RH-79113)
- Print dialog ignores Extents on layouts (RH-79101 )
- Properties: Editing text makes it not selectable (RH-73252)
- RDK:
- Rendering: Bella Render calls to non-functional ChangeQueue properties (RH-79136)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Post Effect:
- Rendering: Textures:
- Rhino Installer Engine: Rhino 8 RHP in RHI not compatible (RH-78866 )
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- ScriptEditor:
- ghdoc is not set for external scripts (RH-80140)
- PIP sometimes gets stuck when installing package (RH-80090)
- RhinoApp.Runscript not working in C# script from toolbar (RH-79530)
- Unset outputs will use the persistent value from previous runs (RH-79615)
- Python error line is wrong in GH when importing gmsh (RH-79662)
- Error in Python 3 exception parser (RH-79830)
- Add search paths ui to new editor for Python engines (RH-79027)
- Published scripts as components do not carry their persistent data (RH-79336)
- Section Tools:
- SelectionFilter: Disable state not persist between sessions (RH-79389)
- Shrinkwrap: ShrinkWrap: Command history missing average edge length and face count (RH-78817)
- SmartTrack: Issue about tracking of parallels (RH-79058)
- SrfSeam: Direction set by typing is not remembered of next run (RH-78822)
- SubDSphere:
- Toolbar:
- Docked Side, with Flyout has no icons (RH-79246)
- Copy toolbar/buttons/macros between libraries instead of linking them (RH-78798)
- Copied toolbar buttons are ‘cleared’ when copied from a linked toolbar (RH-78592)
- Layout macros missing (RH-79591)
- Copy toolbar button glitch (RH-79452)
- Wrong icon for ReduceMesh (RH-79325)
- Editing button image in linked RUI causes an empty button (RH-78900)
- Change OSnap “toolbar” to “panel” in button tooltips (RH-79333)
- Icons not precise (RH-78570)
- Trim: Unexpected behavior (RH-80000)
- UI Appearance: Modified linked toolbars from Rhino 7 should be saved under a new name (RH-78594)
- UVEditor: Unwrap of a Rhino 7 custom unwrapped mesh is bad (RH-79784)
- VariableFilletSrf: : Ugly preview (RH-79549)
- WindowLayout: Need to fill in the name field on export (RH-69707)
- ExportOptions: Rhino closes suddenly Rhino 8.4 RC4 (RH-79616)
- Menu: Adding menu item crashes Rhino (RH-79874)
- Rendering: Decals: Crash when positioning a decal (RH-79164)
- ScriptEditor:
- Toolbar: Crash when opening toolbar properties (RH-79717 )
- Annotation: Hatch: Added a +/- button to column header of Import Hatch Pattern dialog to check or uncheck all hatch patterns (RH-52796)
- Extend: Added Join=Yes/No/Merge to Extend and ExtendDynamic commands (RH-5921)
- ExtractLineTypeSegments: Extracts linear segments as lines (RH-79459)
- File IO: SaveACopy command now saves 3dm files of different versions (RH-79387)
- ScriptEditor:
- Section Tools:
- Annotation: DimLinear: Inch Fractional Dimensions missing a space (RH-80143)
- Annotation: Text: Stays Highlighted After Editing (RH-79442)
- Export: “Solid As Mesh” Creates Empty DWG File (RH-79110)
- ExtendSrf: : Surface moves (RH-78626)
- ExtractSubCrv: Stops at polylines (RH-79445)
- Grasshopper: Extruding surface issue (RH-79428)
- Gumball: Small delay that causes a behavior slightly different than Rhino 7 (RH-79124)
- Layer: Typing initial letter of layer names does not highlight layer (RH-79200)
- Offset: Fails in V8 (RH-79398)
- Print:
- ScriptEditor:
- dotnet Dictionaries sometimes fail to convert to python (RH-80321)
- Script Editor does not clear prompt after running script (RH-80271)
- Command history is not clear with Script: Run or :Edit commands (RH-80272)
- Legacy Python component has multiline standard output (RH-79618)
- Add Rhino appdata scripts paths to sys.path (RH-79864)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Gumball: Changed numeric input relocate behaviors for arrow, arc, and scale handles (RH-79437 )
- Menu: Changed menu items of Crease and SubDCrease commands (RH-79521)
- Toolbar: Allows Delete button to delete empty toolbars (RH-79369)
仅 Mac 相关内容
- Context Menu: Viewport Context Menu: Set Camera: Labels are wrong (RH-79169)
- DocumentProperties: Units change before closing causes repeated dialogs to pop up (RH-80346)
- HeightField: Incorrect with surface output (RH-79293)
- OSnap: Panel doesn’t sync during GetPoint operations on MacOS (RH-79825)
- Print:
- Rendering: ResetMessageBoxes does not bring back the “Would you like to save the image?” dialog box (RH-78937)
- WindowLayout: WIndowLayout: Sidebar is not restored on Mac (RH-74074)
- Shrinkwrap: ShrinkWrap: Crashes on Mac (RH-79135)
- Print: MAC: Trimmed Picture Causing Incomplete Vector Print On Layout (RH-79865)
UI 调整
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Added Cmd+Ctrl+ to the list (RH-77588 )
- Settings: Made right mouse button repeat command and show context menu like Windows version (RH-78395)
❖ 仅 Windows 版相关内容
- DocumentProperties: Left column top alignment (RH-79518)
- Export: “Solid As Mesh” to DWG: File Written with Errors (RH-79238)
- Layer: Move Up and Move Down buttons may not order layers correctly (RH-79219)
- Selection: Settings on context menu of Selection menu don’t change (RH-79188)
- WindowLayout: Fails to restore after Fullscreen (RH-73631)