Rhino 8.5 (SR5)
Rhino 8.5 (SR5 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: 745p
链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: dht2
- AlignVertices: AlignVertices works better on control polygon versus SubD (RH-80631 )
- Annotation: DimAngular: Dimension line not drawn (RH-80224)
- Annotation: Hatch: Exception errors when importing from 3dm without hatches (RH-79713)
- Annotation: Linetype: SetLinetypeScale does not change the scale value elsewhere (RH-79676)
- BlockManager:
- ClippingPlane:
- Code Editor Control:
- Copy: Last copy of a block cannot be selected and snapped (RH-80472)
- Display:
- DocumentProperties: Grid units update lag (RH-79321)
- Extend: ExtendDynamic command deletes input when Join=No (RH-80606)
- ExtractControlPolygon: Incorrectly extracts NURBS control polygons from a single face SubD (RH-80313)
- File IO:
- Fillet: Creates fillet on wrong corner instead of reporting failure when radius is too large (RH-80024)
- Grasshopper:
- Object type cast error when converting GH_Surface to Brep (RH-80668)
- GH Explode Objects and objects with per-face color issue (RH-79588)
- Mesh-Curve Intersection failure (RH-67931)
- Curve zero-twisting frames inconsistent. (RH-41494)
- Empty lists are removed from Manage Data editor (RH-46344)
- Export Instance Definition saves the file in millimeters instead of current document units (RH-80304)
- Canvas requires a refresh regression (RH-79974)
- Not all materials show up or work in GH (RH-43961)
- OnPingDocument() returns null when called during BeforeSolveInstance (RH-79833)
- Grasshopper: Components:
- Gumball:
- Helix: Preview is different from the created helix (RH-79739)
- Icons: Panel icon of display settings is blurry (RH-79675)
- Inset: IgnoreSeams Not working (RH-80236)
- Layer:
- Libraries: Right-click does not show context menu (RH-79850)
- Lights: Object with emissive material in block instance isn’t handled as light (RH-79698)
- MeshIntersect:
- Offset:
- OpenNURBS: Intersection.LineCircle() never fails (RH-48633)
- Options: Color setting glitch (RH-79854)
- OrientOnSrf: Settings incorrectly grayed out (RH-80091)
- Print:
- Vector output does not clip wireframe properly (RH-80679)
- Vector output prints hatches far from origin incorrect (RH-80436)
- Printing to physical printer prints landscape instead of portrait (RH-79378)
- ng 1:1 to pdf vector isn’t properly scaled (RH-79052)
- Line width scale has no effect with Vector output (RH-79940)
- Centered Setting of Position Missing from Print Dialog (RH-78614)
- Vector output does not pay attention to silhouette line width of Technical display mode (RH-79942)
- Vector output skips scaled block (RH-79971)
- Silhouettes are wrong (RH-79939 )
- Properties: Layer info not synchronized between panels (RH-79731)
- Pull: Bad Pullback at Seam (RH-80175 )
- PushPull:
- RDK:
- Rebuild: No deviation feedback for curves (RH-80458)
- Rendering:
- Pause button doesn’t work in the Render window (RH-76860)
- Render mesh settings don’t restore to defaults (RH-80085)
- Anisotropic in Rhino 8 behaves different than in Rhino 7 (RH-78939)
- Material ID needs to be part of RenderMaterial CRC (RH-80076)
- Viewport responsiveness doesn’t work (RH-75824)
- Dimensions render jaggy on transparent background (RH-67798)
- Rendering: Content Panels:
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Rendering: Cycles Viewport:
- Rendering: Environments:
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Post Effect: Surface edges in renderings look bad compared to Rendered and Raytraced (RH-79086)
- Rendering: Textures:
- SDK: Python:
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- ScriptEditor:
- Python subprocess keeps Rhino file open (RH-73933)
- Publishing fails due to missing Newtonsoft.Json (RH-75990)
- Reopen glitch (RH-79718)
- ghpythonlib does not show up in autocompletion (RH-78085)
- Pip fails installing noise (RH-80275)
- Ctrl-A incorrectly selects line numbers on a new script (RH-80172)
- Contextual Surface parameter does not accept plane (RH-80209)
- rs.GetDistance cannot match argument inputs (RH-79073 )
- The Garden Path sample does not work because of the GetDistance Argument matching (RH-79558)
- Subtracting Point3d from Point3d returns a Point3d instead of Vector3d (RH-79303)
- BrepClosestPoint fails (RH-79239)
- Python 3 fails to import Generic IEnumerable (RH-79704)
- Improve Pythonnet Method binder and argument converter (RH-79301)
- A specific script doesn’t run (RH-79889)
- Search results incorrectly include closed files (RH-79595)
- CPython fails on creating generic types with python types e.g. DataTree[object] (RH-77500)
- Section Tools: Clipping drawing may not update (RH-80638)
- SelBoundary: Does not pay attention to sub-object selection filter state (RH-80078)
- SelDup: Does not pay attention to SubD sharpness (RH-78005)
- Selection:
- SelectionFilter:
- Shade: Wireframe collision with display modes (RH-37320)
- Toolbar:
- Units: Units change warning doesn’t appear if no objects are visible (RH-79579)
- Viewports: Switching viewport with Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab hickup (RH-80199)
- RDK: Tweaking texture slot value crashes (RH-80160)
- Rebuild: Command: opennurbs!ON_EvaluateNurbsSpan – Access Denied (RH-80406)
- Rendering: Cycles Viewport: Crash changing gamma setting with active Raytraced (RH-80480)
- BlockManager:
- ClippingPlane: Clicking on label now selects the widget (RH-75633)
- Context Menu: Added Display Modes to viewport context menu (RH-79868)
- Extend: Apply analysis mode on input object to separate output of Extend and ExtendSrf commands (RH-79871)
- Fill: Now works with mesh objects (RH-76553)
- Grasshopper: Added 3rd Party Plugin information to GH document if a component is used (RH-78613 )
- Gumball: Relocating Gumball origin does not accept 0 as 0,0,0 (RH-79520)
- Properties: Shows tooltip for long object name (RH-53492)
- Rendering: Cycles: Ensure for materials pass_id is set (RH-80077)
- Selection: SelKey, SelValue, and SelKeyValue commands support wildcards “*” (RH-54830)
- Shade: Added Technical, Artistic, Pen, and Monochrome display modes (RH-23502 )
- Toolbar: Scriptable Toolbar command manages loading of rui files (libraries) and toolbar visibility (RH-77225)
- BlockManager: New ExportLinkedBlocks command (RH-80155)
- Code Editor Control: Added method descriptions to autocompletion for C# (RH-80097)
- File IO: Added ability to bundle up linked blocks (RH-60896)
- Properties: Shows Surveyor’s Units for line segments when Model units is Feet and Distance display is Decimal (RH-4854)
- Section Tools: Detect existence of clipping planes before starting related commands (RH-75453)
- Layer: Slow search box (RH-79843 )
- AlignVertices: Doesn’t work on SubDs (RH-80352)
- BooleanSplit: Creates open objects (RH-79376)
- Display:
- ExtendSrf:
- ExtractRenderMesh: Wrong texture mapping (RH-79840)
- Grasshopper:
- Gumball: Origin moved when copying objects (RH-80268)
- Layer: Layer" Nested Blocks not hiding/showing correct geometry in preview when layers turn on/off (RH-80418)
- OSnap: : Right-click on Disable does not toggle all checkboxes (RH-80762)
- Print:
- SDK: RhinoScript: Dismiss error with Esc (RH-79388)
- ScriptEditor:
- rs.PolylineVertices needs StrongBox | Pythonnet to use overloads with least out params (RH-80838)
- Grasshopper: Sources in project report incorrect paths (RH-80603)
- Failed to create System.Drawing.Color from floats (RH-79173)
- Pythonnet can not resolve to Brep.ClosestPoint(Point3d, double) (mix of out params) (RH-79005)
- rs.Distance() Python 3 can’t compute distance between points (RH-79852)
- Bug with rhinoscriptsyntax Arc helper functions (RH-78917)
- Error on RC function (RH-79759)
- Selection: Regression of sub-object deselection method (RH-80274 )
- SetDocumentUserText: Document user text broken in v8 (RH-80683)
- SimplifyCrv: Not working with a specific polyline (RH-78932 )
- StatusBar: Z Coordinate Rounding Off Issue (RH-79954)
- Toolbar:
- Tutorials: Opening File from Tutorials Panel Broken (RH-79791)
- UDT: FlowAlongSurface Result Uglier in V8 (RH-80359)
- ViewCaptureToFile: View capture is not a gradient (RH-79689)
- ZoomExtents: Incorrect in Layouts (RH-78833)
- CurvePiping: Now thickness of curve piping mesh matches linetype width in length units (RH-79411)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Alt keys are changed to Option keys on Mac (RH-79924)
- Layer: Disabled Delete key in Layers panel for deleting layers (RH-78615 )
- NamedView: Removed “Lock named view” setting (RH-69049)
- CurvePiping: Now thickness of curve piping mesh matches linetype width in length units (RH-79411)
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Alt keys are changed to Option keys on Mac (RH-79924)
- Layer: Disabled Delete key in Layers panel for deleting layers (RH-78615 )
- NamedView: Removed “Lock named view” setting (RH-69049)
- BlockManager: Scrolls to selected items after running Get Selection From Viewport (RH-80134)
- Grasshopper: Components: Two old GhPython Script components (RH-80050)
仅 Mac 版本调整内容
- BlockManager: Keyboard lost focus in search field (RH-79046)
- Display:
- Eto: Tooltips in Lights panel do not work on Mac (RH-78403)
- Grasshopper: MacOS Rhino crashes on closing GH window (RH-79955)
- Layer:
- Panels:
- PluginManager: Dialog not tall enough to show all plug-in information (RH-80761)
- Preferences: Advanced settings on Mac difficult to read (RH-79455)
- Print: Vector output flips layouts upside down in preview (RH-77653)
- Properties: Layer pulldown disappears behind floating panel (RH-79708)
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Rendering: Materials: Name does not stick (RH-79515)
- Rendering: Post Effect: Don’t work on Mac (RH-80239)
- Rendering: Textures: Custom Curve in gradient texture crashes Rhino (RH-80376)
- Subobject Selection: Edge selection inconsistent on Intel Mac (RH-80711)
- Toolbar: Icons are missing in toolbar items that cascade further (RH-79805 )
- Localization: Panel: Texture - Texture menu - shortcuts? (RH-52636 )
- ScriptEditor: Script Editor does not autocomplete numpy or scipy and might crash on other similar modules (RH-78429)
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Display Metal: Display performance in Metal Arctic (RH-78033)
- Selection: Command-line history does not print amount of objects selected (RH-80094)
❖ 仅Windows 版调整内容
- Containers: Command-line loses focus during property change (RH-80265 )
- Core Architecture: RhinoCore.dll could not be loaded (RH-79832 )
- Display:
- Localization:
- Panels: Floating Containers: floating a container outside of virtual desktop causes container to disappear (RH-78951)
- Rendering: Cycles: HDR Light Studio environments don’t work correctly (RH-80780 )
- Rendering: Textures: Closing Texture Editor pushes Rhino to the background (RH-80277)
- ScriptEditor: C# exception on placement (RH-80065)
- UI Appearance:
- SetDisplayMode: Text on “Shadows” page is pixelated (RH-79632)
- Display: Added NURBS surface remeshing toggle and timing settings for Nudge keys to Advanced settings (RH-80251)