Rhino 8.9 (SR9)
Rhino 8.9 (SR9) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 请浏览这里 ,输入你的Rhino账号绑定的邮箱地址,下载更新安装包;
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- Annotation: Hatch:
- BlockEdit: Point cloud colors removed (RH-62019)
- BlockManager:
- BooleanDifference: Failure example (RH-80968)
- BooleanUnion: Only merges some faces (RH-80942)
- Code Editor Control:
- CommandHelp: CommandContextHelpUrl from 3rd party plug-in does not work in V8 (RH-78415)
- Dir: Dir and ShowDir display texture differently when swapping UVs (RH-82027)
- Displacement: Mesh with thickening causes empty display in most modes (RH-82113)
- Display:
- DocumentProperties: Rendering settings set by script are ignored (RH-80455)
- DupLayer: Full path layer name is not scriptable (RH-77128)
- ExtrudeCrvTapered: Creates too many faces (RH-82091)
- File IO: Updated import_3dm to rhino3dm latest 8.x (RH-81173)
- FitCrv: Inaccurate result (RH-82376)
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Components:
- Gumball:
- History: Broken history on dimension (RH-62561)
- Join: Curves disappear (RH-82151)
- Layer:
- LineTypeDisplay: Linetypes with pixel width don’t display when model is opened (RH-77096)
- Loft:
- Make2D: Incorrectly shows hidden geometry (RH-80980)
- MatchProperties: Ignores groups (RH-82345)
- OSnap: Snaps to Clipped Targets (RH-82379)
- OffsetCrvOnSrf: Creates incorrect result (RH-82196)
- Print: Vector Print does not occlude intersections (RH-82454)
- PrintPreview: Print display scale has no effect on line width set in linetypes (RH-82329)
- Properties: Matching properties ungroups hatches (RH-82346)
- PushPull: Issue Sample (RH-82221)
- RDK: Modal Content editor name change bug (RH-81415)
- Rebuild: Incorrect deviation feedback (RH-82344)
- Rendering: Physical sky texture changes don’t do anything (RH-81326)
- Rendering: Content Panels: Render Libraries option not scriptable (RH-81594)
- Rendering: Cycles: Spotlight not working properly (RH-82279)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Breaks on per face material (RH-59908)
- Rendering: Textures:
- SDK: Block Explode: Skip when hidden in Model Space (RH-82312)
- SDK: GhPython: rs.StatusBarProgressMeterHide needs RhinoApp.Wait() in Rhino 8 (RH-81996)
- SDK: Python: RunScript vs RunPythonScript inside commands problem (RH-56354)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Added SubD display properties to .Net SDK (RH-82090)
- RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping misses existing channels (RH-81859)
- RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping ignores object transform (RH-81860)
- RhinoObject.SetHistory doesn’t work (RH-82509)
- Developer documentation search results unnavigable (RH-82182)
- Missing method to create rounding rectangle (RH-81997)
- SVG Editor: Pressing Enter makes you loose your work (RH-82253)
- ScriptEditor:
- Missing blinking cursor when switching between search results (RH-82244)
- Debug does not stop after python code is saves as (RH-82443)
- ImportError on importing numpy from source directory (RH-80494)
- python signature help window closes when cursor moves away from open paren. (RH-82164)
- CSharp Script Instance Converter bugs (RH-82125)
- Python 3 ScriptInstance converter has a few minor bugs (RH-79253)
- Section: Clipping drawing Hatch Orientation 2D output different than Live Section (RH-82330)
- Section Tools:
- Selection:
- Snapshot: Scriptable cmmand missing settings (RH-82086)
- SoftMove: Editing of SubD edit/control points does not stick (RH-56127)
- Sun:
- Toolbar:
- Torus: Plane.WorldXY is invalid (RH-82169)
- UDT: Flow cannot select target surface (RH-82761)
- UVEditor: Deleting mapping to return to ‘Surface’ mapping doesn’t update in the viewport (RH-72072)
- VariableFilletEdge: Rounding errors influence result visibly (RH-82225)
- Dark Mode: Component Name Conflict dialog doesn’t support dark mode (RH-82320)
- SplitFace: Renamed SelCurves option to SelectCurves (RH-82492)
- CPlane: Object option sets CPlane-Z to surface normal direction (RH-82076)
- Code Editor Control: Allow manually collapsing certain sections (RH-78545)
- DupEdge: Creates simple circle from circular edge on extrusions and breps (RH-82422)
- File IO: Read construction geometry in Solidworks file as points (RH-81999)
- Gumball: Added Shift-Both Sides to Gumball Surface Extrusion Tooltip (RH-82372)
- History:
- Mesh: Importing presets does not overwrite existing ones (RH-80492)
- Rebuild: Preserve curve domain if DeleteInput=Yes and the curve to rebuild is a history parent (RH-82163)
- ScriptEditor:
- SelName: Select option in scriptable command supports preselect (RH-82431)
- Selection: Made pick culling pay attention to draw order (RH-82337)
- Shrinkwrap: 0.01 too coarse for Imperial units (RH-78489)
- ScriptEditor: Package installation now checks environment first to specify which packages to be installed (RH-77108)
- Rendering: Some of the noise textures make rendered view very slow (RH-77286)
- BooleanDifference: Fails in Rhino 5 and 8, not in 6 and 7 (RH-78426)
- File IO: Sketchup textures not imported properly in V8 (RH-82017)
- Gumball: Made extruding with Ctrl (CMD) + plane control always creates open object (RH-82411)
- Properties:
- ScriptEditor:
- Select: Issues about selecting point on surface in command (RH-82295)
- OpenNURBS: Added ON_RUNTIME_WASM (RH-82453)
- SDK: Exposed ConnectSrf functionality (RH-64396)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Made RibbonOffset SDK as good as the command (RH-81554)
- Wrapped RhinoExtendBrepFacesToConnect (RH-82205)
- Added Hatch.ToBrep() for converting a hatch to a Brep (RH-82461)
- Exposed CRhinoLayer::m_bIsVisibleInRhinoUserInterface (RH-81522)
- Wrap CRhinoInstanceObject::Explode with bSkipHiddenPieces (RH-82153)
- Code Editor Control: Improve inline error prompt in code editor (RH-80592)
- ScriptEditor:
- Cpython autocompletion sometimes returns too much data (RH-77886)
- Allow option to choose active or open codes for search and replace (RH-80934)
- Search results locate in the document (RH-82262)
- Added ‘Whole Word’ to search panel (RH-81502)
- Provides autocompletes when typing comments (RH-81189)
- Allows toggling autocomplete in signature complete (RH-82473)
- Made type hinting menu searchable (RH-78084)
- Added Toggle to show/hide “Non-Public” items in debug variables (RH-82351)
- Open location on two screens (RH-80868)
- Added blank templates to New dropdown menu (RH-80243)
- RunScriptCommand only searches for python files inside IronPython plugin search paths (RH-78659)
- Install Package dialog to allow selecting dll from an open dialog (RH-81910)
- Includes Full Stack Trace in error message tag hover (RH-82263)
- Improved error colors in dark mode (RH-82265)
- Show warnings about super()._ _ init _ () call inside _ _ init _() (RH-82029)
- Improvement about dealing with errors (RH-79256)
- Increase max size of error message tag (RH-82264)
- Python stubs with out params should put out in return tuple for signature (RH-82158)
- File Open and search messiness (RH-79207)
- StatusBar: Pressing Esc key does not close layer popup (RH-82341)
仅 Rhino Mac 相关内容
- Annotation: Linetype: Model Space spinner uses comma (RH-80018)
- BoxEdit: Panel Broken (RH-82154)
- Containers: Sidebar container is not correct on start (RH-80873)
- Display: Textures display with splotchy colors on Mac (RH-63350)
- Display Metal: Grid display messy with high contrast (RH-80246)
- ExtrudeCrvToPoint: Run out of memory (RH-80508)
- Layer: Layers panel does not automatically switch between light/dark mode (RH-78700)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Broken in Rendered display (RH-80487)
- Spotlight: Spotlitght: Limited to 16 on Mac (RH-82464)
- UVEditor: Can’t use Lasso or SelBrush when picking vertices to Pin (RH-73099)
- Display: Rhino becomes slow after multiple documents have been opened (RH-82080)
- ScriptEditor: Window gets caught behind Rhino main window (RH-80086)
❖ 仅 Rhino Windows 相关内容
- Display: Incorrect drawing of object with material and alpha transparency (RH-82282)
- Eto: TreeGridView Expand and Collapse Slow (RH-82010)
- OffsetCrvOnSrf: GH component gives curve that goes way off (RH-82256)
- Options: Shadows page is ugly when disabled in dark mode (RH-75383)
- SendToBack: Not working with hatches in Rendered and Artic (RH-82370)
- Toolbar: Grippers have odd shading (RH-81331)
- ViewCaptureToFile: Added file format note to Transparent background option (RH-64908)
- ScriptEditor: Tuned up closing behavior (RH-80600)