Rhino7.22 (SR22) 发布更新

Rhino 7.22 (SR22) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 7 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新

  1. 请浏览这里 :point_left:,输入你的Rhino账号绑定的邮箱地址,下载更新安装包;
  2. 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可链接:

链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: jx28 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦

Rhino7.22 中修复了下面的一些错误

  • Distance: Incorrect negative (RH-69506 )
  • Rendering: Pressing ESC did not ask to cancel rendering and close Render window (RH-69004 )
  • Rendering: Cycles: Environment and Material thumbnails were black for Nvidia cards (RH-70067 )


  • Rendering: Cycles: OptiX device failed to render (RH-69807 )
  • SDK: RhinoCommon: Intersection.RayShoot bug (RH-69588 )

仅Rhino 7 Mac 版中修复的问题

  • SDK: System.Drawing.Icon.Dispose() did not check for null (RH-69648 )

仅Rhino7 Windows 版中修复的问题

  • Installer: MicroScribe plug-in was loaded at first run after updating Rhino (RH-69802 )
  • Licensing and Validation: False positive when checking for server environment (RH-69722 )