Unwrap surface 的问题



  1. Error running script: unable to convert Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface into Brep geometry [12:1]
    终端>-Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “rhinocode:///grasshopper/1/d5a40db6-fb77-43ee-bc8c-e19afe6ea7de/5eb60b91-6dc7-4163-8cb7-1509b18750eb”, line 12, in
    File “C:\Users\lance.rhinocode\py39-rh8\site-rhinopython\rhinoscript\surface.py”, line 3314, in UnrollSurface
    brep = rhutil.coercebrep(surface_id, True)
    File “C:\Users\lance.rhinocode\py39-rh8\site-rhinopython\rhinoscript\utility.py”, line 962, in coercebrep
    if raise_if_missing: raise ValueError(“unable to convert %s into Brep geometry”%id)
    ValueError: unable to convert Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface into Brep geometry

请提供相应的 Rhino 与 Grasshopper 文件

折弯目标.3dm (66.4 KB)
折弯目标.gh (10.3 KB)

指定 Srf 端的输入数据类型为Brep 即可

多谢老师! :+1: :+1: :+1: