Rhino 8.10 (SR10) 发布更新

:rhinoceros: Rhino 8.10 (SR10)

Rhino 8.10 (SR10) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新

  1. 请浏览这里 :point_left:,输入你的Rhino账号绑定的邮箱地址,下载更新安装包;
  2. 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
  3. Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;

❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
:green_apple: 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载

:no_entry: 错误修复

  • OSnap One Shot incorrectly remains disabled (RH-82829)
  • BlockEdit: Adding group objects to a block maintains relationship with group. (RH-82921)
  • BooleanDifference: Normal direction flipped on a mirrored block (RH-82669)
  • BooleanUnion:
    • RhinoBooleanUnion function 10x slower in V8 than V7 (RH-82742)
    • Makes one object disappear (RH-79084)
  • BoxEdit: Panel gets disabled until additional click (RH-82612)
  • Bridge: Causes creases to be removed (RH-82462)
  • Cap: Bails when all mesh faces are coplanar (RH-82671)
  • ClippingPlane: Causes a crash (RH-81765)
  • Code Editor Control: C# autocompletes null) to Nullable) when close bracket is typed (RH-82575)
  • CreateSolid: Supports History when DeleteInput=No (RH-13146)
  • Dir: Only one object is flipped when multiple objects are selected (RH-82599)
  • Displacement: Addition texture gives different results in raytraced (RH-75365)
  • Display:
    • Section Color is Wrong in Arctic (RH-82893)
    • Changing surface direction does not update texture (RH-74064)
    • All procedural textures are calculated on GPU (RH-36299)
    • Render mesh does not update when editing sharp edges (RH-82765)
    • Extra Block Instance Section Hatch In Technical Display Modes (RH-82637)
    • Locked detail camera moves (RH-82390)
    • Technical mode is constantly printing “Updating wire cache”… (RH-82657)
    • Lines parallel to view direction of plan view are not visible (RH-62347)
  • DocumentProperties: Changing units via -documentproperties throws an exception. (RH-83230)
  • EdgeSoftening: Stops working (RH-82987)
  • Emap: Mesh setting is ignored (RH-82838)
  • ExtractClippingSections: Sectioned objects incorrectly added to output group (RH-81221)
  • File IO:
    • import_3dm: support nurbs curves and circles better (RH-81212)
    • Opening Takes a Long Time on 8 (RH-82647)
    • OBJ - Fixed issues about IOR, colored metal, and emissive materials (RH-82536)
    • Vertex colors confused in obj import (RH-82561)
  • FillMeshHole: Creates various results (RH-82897)
  • FilletEdge: Editing radii not starting with saved handles (RH-82515)
  • Grasshopper:
    • Custom Preview component shows wrong UVs (RH-82042)
    • Nested group reversed when baking into Rhino (RH-81228)
    • Texture disappears when switching display modes (RH-82650)
    • “Manage … Collection” dialog does not open for new component (RH-82503)
    • Fillet Distance does not work on PolyCurve (RH-82697)
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • Custom Hatch Pattern doesn’t accept or respond to scale inputs (RH-82993)
    • Import Model Block unexpectantly changes view Top view to Perspective (RH-82899)
    • UserText Change on Block Instances removes Values (RH-82664)
  • GrasshopperBlocks: Blocks show their transform axis in Monochrome/Arctic display mode (RH-82674)
  • Gumball:
    • Doesn’t work with OneView on Mac (RH-82608)
    • Does not reset after object is trimmed (RH-82028)
    • Extrude dot incorrectly shows when rectangular light is selected (RH-82371)
    • GumballAutoReset should be saved between sessions (RH-82659)
    • Extrude dots incorrectly shown on Clipping Plane (RH-82548)
  • History: Parent-Child Not As Expected (RH-64470)
  • Layer: Layer pane shows wrong layer when a worksession attached object is selected (RH-82857)
  • Layout: Chinese dialog for layout is clipped (RH-82955)
  • Lights: Slider value in Light properties gets divided by 1000 (RH-82466)
  • Localization: Commands.rhp not loaded if regional format is set to Thailand (RH-83005)
  • MacroEditor: Macros run from the MacroEditor are not repeatable on the Mac (RH-82882)
  • Mesh:
    • Quad Mesh support (RH-17694)
    • Aspect ratio and angle settings ignored (RH-82596)
  • MeshPolyline: Normal Direction/Inconsistency (RH-82193)
  • NamedView: Grid settings lost (RH-1575)
  • Paste: Pasting from AutoCAD Uses Wrong Coordinates (RH-82933)
  • Print:
    • New Rhino session forgets last printer used (RH-82949)
    • Join Style Issue with Vector Preview/Printing (RH-82720)
    • Printing specific Layout in Multi-Layout print always prints first layout (RH-82805)
    • Vector Print of Curves Messes with Ends (RH-82579)
    • Vector Print does Not Occlude Curves (RH-82576)
    • Vector output with clipping plane text mask showing (RH-82587)
  • Rendering: Cycles: OCS texture mapping broken in Cycles (RH-66048)
  • Rendering: Environments: Skylight intensity turns to -1.00 when physical sky texture does not have an intensity parameter (RH-82366)
  • Rendering: Materials:
    • ‘Sort alphabetically’ doesn’t play well with numeric postfixes (RH-82537)
    • Name won’t accept (1) or any integer in parentheses (RH-82528)
  • Rendering: Post Effect: Modifying RenderWindow contents after render doesn’t work properly (RH-81122)
  • SDK:
    • Added an advanced setting to make CapPlanarHoles work like Rhino 5 (RH-82566)
    • Correct custom mesh mapping for public openNURBS (RH-81962)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • User text removed in rhinoscriptsyntax (RH-49260)
    • RhinoDoc.Open an already open file: ActiveDoc serial# mismatch (RH-82580)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Python autocompletion reads code inside of comments too (RH-82568)
    • Signature has wrong param index (RH-82584)
    • Match Script Editor client side colors to Rhino (RH-82562)
    • Missing Super.Init warning (RH-82559)
  • Section Style: F1 Help Leads Nowhere (RH-82549)
  • Section Tools: ApplyToAll=Yes should not change Placement Point (RH-80646)
  • SelectionFilter: Container pops up when already docked (RH-82558)
  • ShutLining: Multiple mesh modifiers create a bad render mesh (RH-28101)
  • SplitDisjointMesh: Doesn’t preserve UVs (RH-82825)
  • SubD: Slow unresponsive when assigning color to face (RH-82907)
  • Sun:
    • Enabling sun during night gives unexpected result (RH-82131)
    • Certain widths of dialog cause Rhino to crash (RH-82741)
  • Toolbar: Deleted Macros Come Back (RH-81456)
  • UI Cleanup: Layer popup reopens when last layer is clicked (RH-82653)
  • ViewCaptureToFile: Default to PNG and make extension stick (RH-65583)
  • Zebra: UI focus is lost easily (RH-82116)
  • OpenNURBS: Makefile is not able to compile examples on Linux; android_uuid missing (RH-82660)

:stop_sign: 宕机修复

  • Annotation: Hatch: Rhino 8 keeps crashing when creating hatches (RH-82935)
  • Code Editor Control: C# editor crashes in Rhino 8 (RH-83060)
  • Crash: in CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL::ShowBackBuffer (RH-81020)
  • Display: Crash in CRhVboChunkMetal::SetupVertexBuffer (RH-82682)
  • Make2D: Cannot cancel properly (RH-78990)

:rocket: 增强内容

  • Block: Groups can be saved in block definitions (RH-39190)
  • ClippingPlane: Copies of a named clipping plane get incremental suffix numbers in their names (RH-79425)
  • Code Editor Control: Optimized completion list sorting order in C# (RH-80524)
  • Drag and Drop: Python - support script drag and drop (RH-82540)
  • File IO: DWG/DXF export supports writing degree 1 curves (RH-82317)
  • Section Tools: NestedClippingDrawing: All option now creates clipping section drawings ordered by section names in alphabetical order (RH-77581)
  • TextField: Allows using “” as object ID for referencing the object itself in Attribute User Text (RH-82648)

:hammer: 增加特征

  • File IO:
    • import_3dm: import Rhino annotations (RH-81210)
    • import_3dm: import Rhino dimensions (RH-81211)
  • Section Tools: Changing clipping plane name updates associated clipping drawings, layers, named views, and named CPlanes (RH-75371)

:grey_question: 重现错误修复

  • Display: Linetypes don’t show segments when far from origin (RH-81516)
  • OffsetSubD: Error on scaled SubD Plane (RH-82665)
  • Print: Hardware settings being lost (RH-81693)
  • Rendering: Textures: WCS/OCS mapping gets scaled with blocks (RH-82266)
  • ScriptEditor: RunScript should enable Redraw after running (RH-83100)
  • Trim: Failure case in v8 (RH-78036)
  • UI Cleanup: Layer popup lost focus after changing color of layer (RH-82977)

:nut_and_bolt: SDK 增强

  • SDK: Exposed RhStartedAsRhinoExe to C++ SDK (RH-82701)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Added two methods to GripObject class for retrieving NURBS curve/surface control point indices (RH-82920)
    • Made Curve.CreateControlPointCurve work in Rhino3dm (RH-81969)
    • Exposed display mode SubD edge visibility (RH-82636)
    • Exposed display mode ground plane properties to .NET (RH-82276)
  • ScriptEditor: Implemented RhinoCommon PythonScript in new rhinocode (RH-81267)

:computer: UI 调整

  • Properties: Added display mode setting to viewport properties for active detail view (RH-82456)
  • UserText: UI improvements for Block Attribute Text in Attribute User Text properties (RH-82760)
  • ViewCaptureToFile: Removed jpg and bmp formats from Save dialog when transparent background is enabled (RH-42926)

:negative_squared_cross_mark: 适用性问题修复

  • MatchProperties: Hatch should match other properties - not just hatch properties (RH-27591)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Bring back Collapse to Definitions (RH-82703)
    • Published contextual component does not preview output geometry (RH-79902)
    • Added options to UI to use tabs vs spaces and to set the tab/space size (RH-82525)
    • Private members of Script_Instance are not in the editor so there is no autocompletion for them. (RH-81585)

:green_apple: 仅 Mac Rhino 相关


  • Display: Grid lines thicker in shaded mode (RH-82880)
  • Polyline: Enter to finish command fails when using command option window (RH-82680)
  • SubD: Sharp edges are lost when copy-pasting (RH-82577)
  • UI Cleanup: Right click menu in layer popup does not work on Mac (RH-82976)
  • Units: Infinite dialogs pop up on doc close if layout units are not inches or mm on Mac (RH-83058)
  • ViewCaptureToFile: Transparent background forces png format (RH-82581)


  • AutoSave: Corgi package causes macOS Autosave hang requiring Force Quit (RH-81891)


  • MatchSrf: Made OK button focused by default instead of Distance field (RH-82468)


  • ScriptEditor: MacOS menu is confusing (RH-82727)

❖ 仅 Windows Rhino 相关


  • Display: OpenGL 2.1 does not display arrowheads of dimension lines (RH-82480)
  • Eto: Rhino 8 in .Net 8 (rhino.Inside.Revit 2025) UI jump (RH-81674)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M needs pressing twice to run macro (RH-82780)
  • Rendering: Materials: Switching Issue in Worksessions (Always in this case) (RH-82707)
  • SelName: Dialog Version Shows No Names from Attached Files (RH-82886)


  • File IO: SKP Import Crashes Rhino 8.9, 8.10, and BOTD (RH-82833)
  • Print: Crash with Vector Output (RH-82980)
  • ReadViewportsFromFile: Ignores environment strings (RH-82719)


  • File IO: DWG/DXF import detects and resolves conflicted block names (RH-82252)


  • ChangeLayer: Can’t click on right side to change layer (RH-82762)
  • StatusBar: Layer popup blocks Layer pan (RH-82747)


  • Grasshopper: Parameter input keyboard shortcuts required enter or space to complete (RH-82929)