Rhino 8.8 (SR8)
Rhino 8.8 (SR8) 发布更新,所有 Rhino 8 的用户都会自动下载更新安装包,且会适时提示安装更新。 如果自动更新被阻止,请尝试下面的方式手动更新
- 下载离线完整安装包,下载后解压缩至一个单独文档,然后双击运行 Bootstrapper.exe 即可;
- Rhino Mac 下载后直接运行安装程序即可;
❖ 链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
链接: 点击这里进入百度网盘下载
- Annotation: DimLinear: Dimension in layout jumps when detail is activated and deactivated (RH-81775)
- Annotation: Linetype: Deleting linetype with delete key triggers handled exception on MacOS (RH-81770)
- ArrayPolar: Filling 360 degrees has one item overlaps the original (RH-81869 )
- BlendSrf: Surface blend rotation messes up history (RH-81446)
- BlockManager: Can’t delete blocks that are nested in other blocks (RH-81715)
- BooleanDifference: Wirecut fails, extrude curve and Trim works (RH-81583)
- BringToFront: Not working properly for hatch borders (RH-81889)
- ClippingPlane: Depth setting in properties inconsistent with viewport display (RH-81834)
- Code Editor Control:
- Crash Processing System: Crash reporter dialog does not appear (RH-78162)
- Developer Tools: Yak.exe fails with multi-targeted plugin (RH-80648 )
- Display:
- Raytraced mode fails when clipping fill is enabled (RH-82120)
- Black Clipping Plane Fill Is Shown White (RH-77080)
- Single color texture does not work correctly when multiple objects are involved (RH-74604)
- Rendered display mode updates too slow when moving sliders in Material settings (RH-72909)
- Inserted block shows up as see through when selected (RH-71686)
- Selection candidate shows thicker highlight when linetype width in model units (RH-81603)
- Keep Edges Visible when Using Opacity (RH-81487)
- EdgeSoftening: Disable materials (RH-81823)
- Eto: Avoid OverflowException in WPF when using certain mice (RH-80893)
- ExtendSrf: ExtendSrf with Merge=Yes produces internal naked edge and invalid border (RH-81519)
- ExtractClippingSections: Sectioned objects incorrectly added to output group (RH-81221)
- ExtractClippingSlices: Incorrect slice through an open mesh (RH-76594)
- File IO:
- DWG import missing letter and flipping text (RH-81258 )
- DGN files imported with all lines Print Width set to “No Print†(RH-81881)
- glTF export fails when texture is missing (RH-81862)
- Importing DWG Changes Current Model Base Point (RH-81802)
- Reading glTF - failure case (RH-81805)
- RhinoCommon OBJ mesh writer : NullReferenceException (RH-81786)
- glTF export ignores object display colors (RH-81576)
- GetObject: OSnapping to object in a block causes crash (RH-81739)
- Grasshopper:
- MergeFaces causes Invalid Brep (RH-82374)
- Extrude is offset from base curve (RH-82220)
- Inconsistent Text Height and Arrow Size on Leaders (RH-81865)
- Application data folder changed (RH-82035)
- Lunchbox does not load (RH-82014 )
- GH_Cluster that does not dispose its internal document when removed (RH-81896)
- Grasshopper: Bake:
- Grasshopper: Components:
- Gumball:
- History:
- Icons: Autogenerated icons that need fixing for dark mode (RH-77458)
- InterpCrv: Periodic curve interpolation with uniform knots and even degree fails on given points (RH-81651)
- Join: Makes the wrong choice (RH-81778)
- Layer: Layers panel missing RMB menu (RH-82247)
- Localization: SetDotNetRuntime - localization issue (RH-78670)
- Make2D:
- MergeAllCoplanarFaces:
- MergeAllEdges: Colinear edges should be merged into single edge (RH-74831)
- OSnap:
- OffsetSrf: Bad result (RH-81263)
- OpenNURBS: Unable to load large .rtml / .renv files due to artificial character limit of 100M (RH-81953)
- Print:
- Project: Circles onto trimmed planar surfaces produces bad results (RH-71531)
- Properties: Invalid name glitch (RH-81917)
- Purge: Custom hatch is wrongly purged (RH-81794)
- RDK: Display crash due to deleted RDK content (RH-81569)
- RDKCrash: Rhino is hung on loading from particular directory (RH-81837)
- Rendering:
- Rendering: Cycles:
- Decal with alpha channel on custom material shows incorrect base color (RH-79660)
- Fresnel is broken (RH-77702)
- Background image rendering upside down in Rhino Render (RH-81645)
- Environments overly bright (RH-81685)
- Sunlight is not visible in reflection (RH-77709)
- Intensity of background environment is not used by Cycle (RH-81548)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Realtime SDK: ChangeQueue: Do not treat copy transforms as transforms (RH-81660)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Mesh object drawn using wrong mapping in Rendered display mode (RH-60441)
- Rendering: Textures:
- SDK: Python: ObjectsByType ignores type (RH-80814)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- ScriptEditor:
- Published plugins are not built against rhinocode ref assembly (RH-82463)
- Published GH1 command holds on to previous contextual data (RH-82444)
- Zero versioning of C# script dynamic assemblies causes issues (RH-82075)
- Python Enum autocompletion does not show methods (RH-81977)
- Turn Guid marshalling off for C# scripts by default (RH-81841)
- PointCloud gets split into its items on script component output (RH-82044)
- Script component shows language button when disabled (RH-82050)
- Python component resets “No Hint” to “ghobj” hint (RH-82051)
- Python runtime to include packages installed in site_packages in all envs (RH-81895)
- CPython env checker is paying too much attention to hyphen vs underscore (RH-81913)
- Open and save failure (RH-81888)
- C# script component shows Reload Python engine menu items (RH-81840)
- Missing diagnostics in roslyn class methods (RH-81809)
- Point3dList hint does not have a Grasshopper parameter (RH-81473)
- Script Editor undo step is missing the name (RH-81602)
- Fails to setup on macOS arm with no internet (RH-81744)
- Autocomplete is not complete (RH-81350)
- SelBrush:
- Selection: Group selection fails (RH-81926)
- SubD: Issue referencing SubD object from model (RH-80602)
- Toolbar:
- UI Appearance:
- UI Cleanup: Pressing Esc does not exit out of Container Menus (RH-81898)
- UserText: BlockAttributeText not working with Leader objects (RH-77015)
- Weld: Now prints failure messages to command window (RH-81348)
- Worksession: Attach Changes Current Model Basepoint (RH-81803)
- File IO:
- Layer: Only allows dragging name column to reorder (RH-82159)
- Print: Vector print crashes Rhino (RH-81540)
- ScriptEditor: Crashing script (RH-81922)
- Annotation: Linetype: Allows sorting linetypes by clicking column header in Linetypes panel (RH-81527)
- BlockEdit: Added options to the scriptable command (RH-34493 )
- CheckNewObjects: Shows warning only at very first time an object is detected bad (RH-81536)
- Grasshopper:
- Grasshopper: Components: Added Annotation Model/Layout Scaling settings to Drafting Scale component (RH-81811)
- Join:
- OSnap:
- OSnap:Cen:
- Options: Never repeat command list supports wild cards (RH-6631)
- Properties: Allows highlighting and copying object type name (RH-61358)
- Rendering: Materials: Pointing to texture icon now shows tooltip for texture name (RH-79322)
- SDK: Allows even degrees for curve interpolation in C++ and RhinoCommon (RH-81632)
- ScriptEditor: Remember the folder where last script was opened (RH-80887)
- Section Tools:
- Grasshopper: Allow for filtering of Instance Definition Name on Model Objects (RH-78812 )
- Display: Adding Ambient Occlusion texture to PBR material makes rendering really slow (RH-56233)
- ScriptEditor: Fix script out multiple compile issue (RH-82071)
- Bevel: Does not work on symmetric SubD (RH-81980)
- ExtrudeCrvTapered: Direction option fails (RH-81559)
- Gumball: No longer extrudes SubD (RH-81699)
- Join:
- OSnap: Snapping point occluded by geometry (RH-81845 )
- OffsetSrf:
- Reflect: Fails with appending face (RH-81836)
- ScriptEditor: IronPython is getting dotnet types instead of python types (RH-82019)
- acad import: File IO: Block definitions not read when importing DXF file (RH-81701)
SDK 增强
- Grasshopper 2: Constrained Tesselation SDK method (RH-81704)
- OpenNURBS: Added ON_Mesh::CreateFrom2dPointsAndEdges() to C++ SDK (RH-81723)
- SDK:
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Added backface color override to DisplayPipelineAttributes (RH-81831)
- Added IsOverGumball to get gumball mouse over mode on MouseCallbackEventArgs (RH-81819)
- Exposed RhinoGetSubCurves (RH-81979 )
- Delaunay Triangulation solver in 2D (RH-79402)
- Exposed CRhinoInstanceDefinition::UsesLinetype (RH-81492)
- ScriptEditor: Allows creating script components from code (RH-81754 )
- Toolbar: Added ScalePositions icon (RH-81873 )
- Code Editor Control: Provide an option to turn off autocompletion from the tokens found in the script (RH-78548)
- ExtractClippingSections: ExtractClippingSlices: History update works when clipped object is hidden (RH-76946)
- Join: Does not give flash feedback when meshes are joined (RH-81816)
- ScriptEditor:
- Selection: Added PickOccluded advanced setting for picking subobjects behind opaque surfaces (RH-81337)
仅 Mac 版相关
- Display: Meshes do not show vertex colors in Rendered mode when GroundPlane is off (RH-81622)
- Display Metal: Strange ghosting artifacts in shadows on Mac (RH-81850)
- Layer: Cannot rename in floating Layers panel (RH-81525)
- OSnap: One shot OSnap setting out of sync on Mac (RH-81118)
- Options: mport: The selected (plist) is not a valid options file (RH-81137)
- Panels:
- Print: Rendered and Arctic views are blank when printing (RH-79093)
- QuadRemesh: Fails silently in Rhino, but give CPU error in GH (RH-81687)
- Rendering: Saving image should remember last used format (RH-81537)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Shrinkwrap: Some TextField boxes - RibbonOffset, QuadRemesh, ShrinkWrap - slow (MAC) (RH-82089)
- Toolbar: Can’t be closed by script (RH-81346)
❖ 仅 Windows 版相关
- Help: Offline help does not load when DisableInternetAccess=1 (RH-53073)
- Menu: Icons are not shown (RH-81746)
- Print: Switching from Rhino PDF to Image gets Layout dimensions incorrect (RH-82072)
- Rendering: Environments: Background image not rendered in Front View (RH-80661)
- SDK: CRhinoUiFile::Bitmap not working (RH-81759)
- UI Appearance: Slider settings does not work well in dark mode (RH-81648)